

Art & Design

I caught the art bug in grade six when my religion teacher decided we’d be doing art that day instead of religion (what an awakening). My passion for illustration continued to evolve throughout high school, where I also fell in love with photography. I graduated with a Bachelor of Design in Photography from the Alberta University of the Arts (formerly ACAD) in spring of 2015.

After graduating, opportunities for music arose and I quickly began to spend most of my time on the road (read more about that literally to the right of this). Music—specifically Bluegrass Music—had gifted me a perfect niche of clients for my Design, Illustration and Photography work. The days that we weren’t playing shows and/or driving, I would spend working on illustrations, album art or editing musician portraits for people I had met at festivals all across the world.

At the beginning of 2021, a year into the Pandemic and a year without any music work, I decided to jump into Design full-time, working with clients, creating personal work and building art frames. Two times a year I sell my personal work, my frames and co-organize an Edmonton based art and craft fair The Royal Bison.



Hang in there! I’m workin’ on it!